TWH Worship
Ministry Teams
TWH Worship Leaders

Our Worship Leaders are the Prophetic Ministers of Music who lead our people in the Expression of Praise and Worship.
They are responsible for leading our congregation in worship, and creating an atmosphere where the people can connect to God through song and prophetic ministry!
Areas of Responsibility:
Leading the Congregation in Worship and Song
Partners with the Musical Directors to plan the Service Worship Flow
(Worship Team Leaders) Coordinates Quarterly Team Setlist Meetings to Curate Song Lists for the Worship Ministry
(Worship Team Leaders) Schedule Worship Leaders Quarterly for weekly services
(Worship Team Leaders) Follow up with Scheduled Worship Leaders to Help them Succeed and Assist them in Using the Available Ministry Resources
“Be a leader who worships, not just a worship leader!”
TWH Musicians

Our Musicians Bring the Sound of a Zamar Praise (Praise from a Stringed Instrument) of our House of Worship.
They are responsible for Creating the Sound of the Band. And Praising God on Stage through Music and Instrumental Melody!
Areas of Responsibility:
Learning the Chords and Musical Arrangements of the Songs
Striving to Be an Exciting On-Stage Model of Praise & Worship
(Band Directors) Providing Recorded Musical Reference Parts for the Musicians
(Band Directors) Scheduling Musicians for the Weekly Services
(Band Directors) Follow up with Scheduled Musicians to Help them Succeed and Assist them in Using the Available Ministry Resources
“Churches don’t just need more musicians, they need more anointed and gifted musicians with a heart and passion for worshipping God and ministering to his people!”
TWH Singers

Our Teams of Vocalists fom the Harmonious Sound of Voices that comes from our Mouths of our Worship Ministry!
They are responsible for Forming the Choral Sound of the Church. And Being an On-Stage Testimony of what Worship Looks Like!
Areas of Responsibility:
Learning Vocal Lyrics and Harmony Parts
Striving to Be an Exciting On-Stage Model of Praise & Worship
(Vocal Directors) Providing Recorded Vocal Parts for the Vocal Teams
(Vocal Directors) Scheduling Vocalists for the Weekly Services
(Vocal Directors) Follow up with Scheduled Vocalists to Help them Succeed and Assist them in Using the Available Ministry Resources
“Sing a new song to the LORD! Let the whole earth sing to the LORD!”Psalms 96:1
TWH Musical Directors

Our Musical Directors serve as the Musical Arrangers and Overseer's of the Weekly Music Teams
They are responsible for Crafting the Sound and Atmospheres of the Worship Services through the Creation of Song Arrangements and Musical Ideas.
Areas of Responsibility:
Arranging the Weekly Music Flow of the Setlist Songs
They work with the Vocal Directors and Worship Leaders Teams to Identify the Best Key Range for the Music
Partners with the Worship Leaders to Coordinate the Altar Call Flow
Build a Quality Musical Atmosphere in all of our Events and Services
“Excellence is not perfection. Excellence is doing your very best with what you have!”
"It is bringing your very best, adapting, and interpreting the music in a way that best serves our congregation"
TWH Worship Coordinators

Our Worship Production Coordinators are the Organizational and Administrative Heart of the team!
They are responsible for working with the Worship Ministry Leaders in order to Lead, Plan, and Resource the needs of the Music Team.
Areas of Responsibility:
Overseeing the Planning Center & Online Ministry Resources
Coordinating Weekly Rehearsal Agendas
Coordinating Worship Soundchecks
Personal Connection with each of the Team Leaders throughout the Weekly Flow to Communicate any Updates/Changes Needed Regarding
Special Events
“Planning without action is futile, but action without planning is FATAL!”
Worship Administrator
Presentation Coordinators Team

Areas of Responsibility:
Meeting Notes and Follow-Up
Leading Meeting Agendas
Oversee Ministry Budgets and Finance
Send out General Team Information in Conjuntion with The Worship Coordinators
Areas of Responsibility:
Presentation Team Coordinator
Oversee the Overall Visual Quality of the On Stage Presentation
Strategize and Produce Creative Elements for the Worship Services and Events
Image Coordinator
Create Color, Dress, & Style Guide Palettes to keep the team in sync
Dance Coordinator
Create and Choreograph Dance Movements that Enhance the Worship Service, and Inspire Congregational Involvement!​
TWH Sound Team

Our Sound Team is the Musical Backbone of the Worship Ministry. Without them, we cannot move! They bring the ATMOSPHERE!
They are Primary Responsibility of the Sound Ministry is the Atmosphere of the Room.
The vision for a Sound Engineer is to amplify and enhance all that is happening both vocally and musically on the platform and online!
Areas of Responsibility:
Providing a Quality Sound Experience
Striving to Be an Exciting Off-Stage Model of Praise & Worship
Works directly with the Worship Production Coordinators to Facilitate the Needs of the Music Team
Connects with the Media Team to Facilitate Broadcast and Stream Needs
Key Sound Engineering Positions:
Front of House Engineer (FOH) - Mixes Main PA System
Monitor Engineer - Mixes the In-Ears and Monitors on Stage
Broadcast Engineer - Mixes/Records the Online/Broadcast
Microphone Tech/Stage Manager - Monitors the Mics/Runner
“It was through the Sound of God's voice that all creation was brought into being..."Then God SAID, "Let there be Light" (Gen 1:3. There is power in Sound!”