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Our Vision

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The music and worship ministry of Third Wave Hollywood Church is called to build and establish a model inner-city music ministry team in the heart of Los Angeles. As a mission-minded model church, this ministry also serves as a training ground for those who desire to impact this generation for Christ using their gift of music, media, and the power of worship. The music and worship ministry also assists in accelerating the global vision of Victory Outreach International around the world.

“Enlarge the place of your tent, And let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings; Do not spare; Lengthen your cords, And strengthen your stakes. 

For you shall expand to the right and to the left, And your descendants will inherit the nations,And make the desolate cities inhabited." 

- Isaiah 54:2-3

Our Values


Our worship ministry is built on three foundational values.


  1. We are Attractive!

    • Everything that we do, we strive to do with a spirit of excitement and attraction!

  2. We Model Mega!

    • In everything that we do, we strive to be a model of mega-mentality

  3. We Build People!

    • In everything that we do, we strive to always focus on building people

Our Focus


Our TW Hollywood Music Ministry has two fundamental goals that we strive for every time that we minister before the Lord and His people!


  1. A Quality Musical Presentation!

    • Quality music and an excellent spirit is attractive both to God and to people 

    • A mega-mentality ministry models quality!

  2. A Powerful Spirit-Filled Atmosphere!

    • We pray for an atmosphere where the spirit of God is manifest (His presence made known) in our praise. 

    • We believe that it is in the atmosphere of His presence that hearts are changed, and lives made whole!

    • We recognize as Scripture teaches, "where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty [emancipation from bondage, true freedom]." 2 Cor 3:17  

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